Community Relations

Stueve Siegel Hanson is committed to actions and investments that elevate both our community and the justice system.

This includes grassroots efforts, such as on-site volunteering at Operation Breakthrough, a not-for-profit daycare and afterschool program that serves Kansas City children living in poverty. At our most recent volunteer day, our lawyers and staff played with and tutored children, then helped package greeting cards designed by Operation Breakthrough students.

It also shows in our financial backing of more than $2 million to provide tuition for Black law students and training for journalists with underdeveloped media. Of these gifts, Missouri Lawyers Weekly wrote: “Any firm can talk about promoting DEI, but Stueve Siegel Hanson has put its money where its mouth is when it comes to creating a more equitable environment.”

We support our colleagues who volunteer their time and talent in support of public interest organizations, bar associations, and educational groups, as well as pro bono endeavors that advance the greater good. 


Alfred Friendly Press Fellowship Foundation

The Alfred Friendly Press Fellowships is a non-profit cultural and professional exchange program providing developing world journalists the opportunity to work as reporters at American newspapers. Fellows return home with new journalistic skills and knowledge, and a desire to advance a free, responsible press in their own countries. Partner Patrick Stueve serves on the Alfred and Jean Friendly Foundation Board of Directors.

The Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City

The $475 million Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas provides leadership, advocacy and resources to eliminate barriers and promote quality health for uninsured and underserved in the Greater Kansas City area. The foundation awards grants to address health issues in the following areas: Healthy Lifestyles, Mental Health, and Safety Net Health Care. Partner Norman Siegel has served on the Board of the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City since 2008, including serving two years as its Chairperson. During his tenure, the foundation distributed more than $140 million in grants.

Additional Community Volunteer Work

Our attorneys are proud to also support these meaningful organizations and causes:


Lawyers Encouraging Academic Performance

Lawyers Encouraging Academic Performance (LEAP) is a not-for-profit foundation created to promote community service of lawyers in Greater Kansas City with a focus on initiatives intended to encourage young persons in their pursuit of an education. Stueve Siegel Hanson attorneys volunteer to tutor students and serve as Study Buddies. Attorney Abby McClellan Paradise serves as the LEAP board president and previously received the LEAP Queen Award for her volunteer work. Past board members include partners Patrick Stueve and Steve Six.

The Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Association

The Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Association is the largest bar association in the Kansas City area. Stueve Siegel Hanson attorneys, including Austin Moore and Bradley Wilders, have held officer positions in KCMBA’s Federal Courts Advocates Sections, and Partner Norman Siegel previously served on the Board of Directors of the association’s charitable arm, the Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Foundation.

The Kansas Bar Association

The Kansas Bar Association is dedicated to advancing professionalism and legal skills of lawyers, advancing the interests of the legal profession and promoting the effective administration of justice in Kansas. The KBA seeks to improve legal ethics and to make our system of justice more available to all Kansans. Partner Steve Six has served on the Board of Governors and as President.

Public Justice

Public Justice fights for consumer and victims’ rights, environmental protection and safety, civil rights and civil liberties, workers’ rights, America’s civil justice system, and the wronged, the poor and the powerless. The organization pursues precedent-setting and socially significant individual and class action litigation. Stueve Siegel Hanson is a benefactor member of Public Justice.

Additional Legal, Educational and Bar Organizations

Our attorneys also dedicate their time to serving these organizations:


Our attorneys are guided by the principle that pro bono clients – like all our clients – should be fully and effectively represented. As a result, we devote significant time and financial resources to the legal needs of persons who cannot afford to pay for representation.

In one recent example, we represented a Kansas City mother who was the victim of deceptive lending practices, removing a judgment against her. To advocate for other victims of this scheme – and to ensure more people are not harmed by it – we are pursuing a class action against the lender and the financial institutions that enabled it.

Military Matters

Our firm’s commitment is exemplified in the pro bono efforts by partner Patrick Stueve to develop the Military Matters program, a front-line provider of legal and other support services for Kansas City area veterans, active-duty military personnel and their families. In recognition of this service, he was honored with Legal Aid of Western Missouri’s Honorable H. Michael Coburn Community Service Award. Stueve Siegel Hanson attorneys continue to volunteer their time to assist veterans and their families with legal issues.

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