Who We Are
For more than 20 years, Stueve Siegel Hanson has achieved exceptional litigation results through an unconventional business model for law firms: Our payment for legal services depends entirely on the results we achieve.
Through this approach, we have recovered billions of dollars in damages and relief for consumers, entrepreneurs, employees, farmers, small and large businesses, and a variety of economic underdogs.
The cases we handle address some of the most complex areas of the law, including antitrust, intellectual property, Fair Labor Standards Act collective actions, consumer and securities class actions, cybersecurity, franchise disputes and other complex business litigation.
Our team of lawyers includes some of the best-trained and most experienced trial lawyers in the country. Stueve Siegel Hanson's founders were partners at some of the nation's largest law firms; they are joined by attorneys trained at top law schools, prominent corporate firms and judicial clerkships. Together, we share a drive to level the playing field in litigation and work toward justice for all.
We are honored to have been recognized as a repeat Law360 Practice Group of the Year, among the National Law Journal's Elite Trial Lawyers, and as Chambers USA Leading Lawyers – but we are equally proud to be recognized for our contributions to the profession outside the courtroom.
Of our investment in diverse law and journalism students, Missouri Lawyers Weekly wrote: "Any firm can talk about promoting DEI, but Stueve Siegel Hanson has put its money where its mouth is when it comes to creating a more equitable environment."